Thursday, May 13, 2004

Music Corner #1

Gotta do it sometimes, feeling this urge to spread news of good music. Yeah, I'm deranged (or so Mr. Bowie says), so therefore I decided I'd post some obscure music recommendations (being as I'm involved with the music industry some way or another -- namely, I'm becoming a qualified jazz singer). So here it is, let's call it Music Corner #1.

Let me call your attention to a Hungarian band first. They're called Kutya Vacsorája, that's "Dog's Supper" for you who don't speak Hungarian. The whole thing was founded by a member of one of my favourite band, Quimby -- who are taking a sort of extended hiatus at the moment, namely their lead singer and songwriter, Tibor Kiss almost got himself erased from the ranks of the living through excessive lifestyle --, and it's a sort of a freewheeling musical idea workhouse led by this guy called Liviusz Varga (who is a sort of everyman in Quimby, but mainly percussions and rapping). Most recorded tracks revolve around this guy's deranged, provocative, decadent and wildly witty rants finely crafted into rhythmical and musical structures. Resembling an aggressive, corny, funny Tom Waits at its best moments, the tracks race along with grand vitesse in the first few tracks, then the mood sort of settles down to cool storytelling and witty antics, which are all right by me.

Alas, most of the fun is with the lyrics, which I understand will be quite out of reach for most of my readers (due to all of them being in Hungarian), but one cannot help smiling wildly and feeling a sudden urge to smash in some windows at the local mall listening to the premiere track "Mindenkinek Saját Plázát" (that's "A Mall For Everyone" in English), the music has such high energy on its own. Another highlights would be "Csöbörből Vödörbe" (translates loosely to "We're Stuck at the Same Point") and "Egymásnak Vetett Vállal" (which would be "Back Against Each Other's Backs"), one being a downtempo track, a humorous outlook at life itself, the other being a sort of "near-love-song", a laid-back ballad that's still full of vibrating energy (as in "something should happen but we're fucked up so we cop out, we losers").

All tracks can be downloaded legally from their website, which is just one click away. Have fun!

Now, that's it for today. I'll be back sometime soon with some real thoughts about this world. Or whatever my lazy intellect comes up with. :)


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didnt write the song chop suey i did i swear if you want to meet me you can i wrote more than one song that was stolen from me an beleieve one day the world will know the truth i wrote that song when i was lose ing my family my son my daughter died etc if you have any morals you will admit that you did not write the song c hop suey an if i can ever get a ticket to new york kevins as is mine


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